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Oct 26, 2023

10 Programs to Fund Your Company's Digital Transformation

by Vooban

Digital transformation, Funding

Do you have a digital transformation project and would like to benefit from funding or subsidies? Here's a summary of various public programs that could help you get your innovation strategy up and running immediately!


Since 1978, ADRIQ has been developing and encouraging research and innovation to enhance business competitiveness. 

Offensive Tr@ns num

You know your company needs to transform; you even have a project in mind, but you need to know where to start? Tr@ns num could help.

Whether it's ensuring the doability of a project, creating new connected products or services that enhance the customer experience, or developing optimized production systems, the program offers 125 hours of coaching with a team of nearly 40 expert consultants. Your company could receive up to 50% in funding, to a maximum of $25,000.

To be eligible, your company must operate in the manufacturing sector and be legally incorporated in Quebec. Approval times for program submissions are very short, from 2 to 3 weeks.

Are you still hesitating to apply? ADRIQ offers a free pre-analysis of your file during a preliminary meeting.


Soutien à l’innovations pour la productivité des entreprises manufacturières (Innovation support for manufacturing productivity)

SIPEM de PROMPT – Volet 1: Technological specification roadmap

Do you need qualified experts to help you draw up a technological specifications roadmap? PROMPT's SIPEM first program could be just what you need. 

Aimed at helping companies identify opportunities for technological projects, the program supports companies, with qualified experts' participation, in drawing up technological specification roadmaps. These specifications identify projects that could improve the company's productivity and estimate the costs, time and expertise required to carry them out. 

PROMPT provides financial support up to 50%, to a maximum of $5,000. However, applying for this grant several times is possible if you have several projects. 

To be eligible for this funding, you must have a project plan; your company must operate in the manufacturing sector and be legally incorporated in Quebec.

SIPEM de PROMPT – Volet 2: Financial incentives to carry out a technology project

Once the first part has been completed, the project's doability is confirmed, and you're ready to move forward, the second part of PROMPT's SIPEM program can begin.

The Financial Support for the Implementation of a Technology Project component is designed to support the development of technology solution projects for Quebec companies operating in the manufacturing industry. What's great about this program is that the solutions implemented don't necessarily have to include AI. The financial support is aimed at digitizing companies in general, as long as the project submitted enables them to be more productive with the help of technology.

PROMPT offers financial help of 30% up to a maximum of $200,000 for SMEs and 50% up to a maximum of $500,000 for large companies.

The same eligibility rules apply as for the first part, except that a digital turnaround plan or technological specification roadmap must first have been completed. 



Are you part of the supply chain and have an AI project with benefits not only for your company but also for your supply chain partners? Scale AI could be of interest to you.

Scale-AI is an investment and innovation cluster focused on accelerating and commercializing artificial intelligence for supply chains. More specifically, it is a $125 million in funding offered by the Canadian government to support projects that target the adoption or commercialization of AI for supply chains, regardless of industry.

It reimburses up to 50% of eligible expenses and has no maximum per project. Scale-AI also funds the training of your employees following the implementation of an AI project. You could be reimbursed up to 85% of the first $100,000 invested in your customized training program.

To benefit from this funding, your company must submit a project involving at least two players in the supply chain, including a minimum of one SME. This means that your company cannot file a project on its own. This program has been renewed until 2028, and the approval deadline is at least one month.

Government of Quebec


Would you like to adopt innovative, sustainable and responsible technologies and practices? As part of its plan for a green economy, the Quebec government has set up a subsidy program to help you contribute to the collective effort to fight climate change.

INNOV-R offers a financing program for projects showing potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Quebec. Projects must encourage the emergence of technologies and practices aimed at reducing GHGs and promote companies and organizations' participation in the technologies and techniques developed.

The subsidy can fund up to 50% of eligible expenses, up to $500,000 annually. By combining it with other programs, the funding can cover up to 80% of total project expenses. The company must provide a minimum contribution of 20% of eligible costs.

To apply in this category, your company must be legally incorporated in Canada and have a technological innovation project that reduces GHG emissions.

Programme innovation bois 2023-2026 (wood innovation program)

Are you looking to implement innovative equipment and systems in your wood processing facility or to deploy cutting-edge technological processes? Would you like to study the feasibility of a project or draw up a business plan before taking the plunge? Innovation bois could be for you.

The program is designed to encourage innovation and low-grade wood processing projects in the forest products industry in general. It has two components: Innovation and Substandard Wood. 

Innovation supports investment projects and studies that promote developing new products and processes and deploying innovative technologies, equipment and systems.

Substandard Wood aims to develop industrial projects that process low-grade wood from Quebec forests. 

Financial support depends on the project category. For feasibility studies, 75% of the amount can be reimbursed, up to a maximum of $75,000. For innovation projects, eligible expenses are reimbursed at 50%, up to a maximum of $2,500,000.

Please note that the percentages and amounts are different for the second part. It will be 50% up to $75,000 for feasibility studies and 25% up to $1,000,000 for investment projects.

To be eligible, your company must be incorporated in Canada, work in the forest industry, and have a project with total costs of at least $200,000. The program will run until March 31, 2026, or until funds run out.

Investissement Québec

Programme innovation (Innovation program)

Are you looking to improve your company's productivity and competitiveness? Programme innovation could be just what you're looking for.

The program aims to support companies, particularly SMEs, in implementing and accelerating their innovation projects. In doing so, they want to enhance business productivity and competitiveness. They will prioritize projects whose integration of innovation will give Quebec companies a competitive edge and create maximum economic impact for the province.

The amount granted varies according to the situation but will be reimbursed from 50% to 75% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $100,000 to $500,000 per company and project.

Companies in all sectors of activity are eligible if they are legally incorporated in Canada and have an active establishment in Quebec. Hurry if you want to benefit from this program, as the deadline for submitting a complete application is December 8, 2023.

Financement Productivité innovation (Funding Productivity Innovation)

Would your company like to take action by focusing on innovation, technologies and processes such as automation, digitization, robotization and artificial intelligence applications? Investissement Québec's Productivité innovation initiative is designed to boost competitiveness and accelerate the growth of local businesses through productivity and innovation.

Productivité innovation offers a whole range of solutions, including funding, strategic and technological support, as well as events and rich content to inspire and enlighten business leaders.

Financial support under this program takes the form of a $50,000 term loan with a principal repayment moratorium of up to 48 months. Up to 100% of a project can be funded.

To apply for this program, your company must be for-profit, operating in or related to manufacturing, and be legally incorporated in Canada.

Ville de Québec (Quebec City)

Productivité et automatisation (Productivity and automation)

Are you considering improving your company's productivity and addressing labour shortages using cutting-edge technologies? Québec City offers a 2-part program.

The first is aimed at companies in the manufacturing sector deploying an industrial 4.0 project. The subsidy can fund 50% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $250,000 per project.

The second part of the program is designed to enable companies to acquire production or operations equipment or technologies that will help them meet their labour challenges. The subsidy can fund up to 35% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $100,000 per project.

To apply in this category, your company must be based in Quebec City and have a project with eligible expenses of at least $75,000.


Programme innovation bioalimentaire 2023-2028 (Biofood Innovation Program)

Do you work in the Quebec bio-food sector and want to boost your company's performance by strengthening its technological innovation? MAPAQ's program aims to develop new knowledge and expertise in this area and to integrate it into bio-food businesses.

Programme Innovation Bioalimentaire is a 5-part program aimed at research centers and companies. Please visit their web page to learn how the program works and whether your company qualifies.

The program will run until March 31, 2028, or until available credits are used.